Friday 10 July 2009

English RFU announce Senior Elite Player and Saxons squads

English RFU announce Senior Elite Player and Saxons squads, team manager Martin Johnson and Elite Rugby Director Rob Andrew announced the 32 man squads.

Martin Johnson said "The selection process for both squads has been very difficult", "because we didn't have this level of strength in depth 12 months ago", "during the British & Irish Lions tour in South Africa this summer, the England players played exceptionally well", "giving us a chance to look at other players in the Churchill Cup matches against Argentina".

"We feel we have made considerable progress as a squad during the course of last season", "when the squads get together for the August training camp we feel we can build upon this progress", "and into November during the Investec Challenge internationals against Australia, New Zealand and Argentina".

"There will be strong competition for places as always but there will also be plenty of opportunities", "for example, Delon Armitage and Mark Cueto earned places in the Senior side due to retirement, suspension or injury" "and Ugo Monye and Joe Worsley, earned Lions caps this summer after starting out in the Saxons".

"We have selected players from French clubs with whom we have had extensive discussions", "they went very well and we are all looking forward to that positive relationship continuing", "we are continuing to monitor the fitness and the form of the following players who played for England last season", "with a view to hopefully inviting them to forthcoming training sessions".

"Andy Goode, James Haskell, Tom May, Jamie Noon, Tom Palmer and Steve Thompson are the players in question", pre-season training camp for both squads will begin on Sunday August 9Th, the Elite Player squad includes the former World Cup hero Jonny Wilkinson.

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